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Acell Treatment for Hair

ACell therapy is used to treat hair loss in men and women.

ACell is a naturally occurring, non-crosslinked, and completely resorbable acellular material that works at the cellular level to repair damaged tissues. It is used extensively in surgical procedures and aesthetic dermatological procedures. ACell can be injected alone or combined with PRP to regenerate hair and maximise hair thickness and density.

ACell’s MatriStem technology differs from other scaffolding technologies. It promotes healing by triggering abundant new blood cell formation and summoning numerous types of cells (including progenitor cells) to the injury site.


How Does Acell Treatment Work?

Acell is usually combined with PRP. The ACell matrix is a natural biological material that accelerates the body’s healing process by activating the body’s stem cells. Once activated, the stem cells form new tissues at the target site.
When used for hair regeneration, the ACell matrix stimulates or activates stem cells in hair follicles. These cells repair damaged tissues, strengthen hair follicles, and stimulate growth centres to assist in their regeneration.

doing acall treatment
a cell factor
man doing acell treatment at head

What are the Indications for Acell+PRP Therapy for Hair?

ACell +PRP treatment is indicated to treat the following:


What to Expect During ACell+ PRP Therapy?

Our experienced dermatologists at Hortman Clinic ensure you are in the best hands and have an amazing experience.
ACell hair growth therapy is a simple procedure that takes 90 minutes to 2 hours.

What are Some Pre-Treatment Preparatory Measures You Must Take?

A few things to do as you prepare for an ACell+PRP therapy for hair are:

- Do not indulge in vigorous activity for 24 to 48 hours before the procedure.

- Increase your water intake 24 hours before the treatment.

- Eat a healthy, balanced diet before the treatment.

- Clean your scalp well before or on the day of the procedure.

- Rake your daily medications and supplements, but consult your dermatologist to ensure they do not interfere with your ACell therapy.

- ACell therapy for hair is a non-surgical procedure that is completely safe.


What are Post-Treatment Care Instructions You Should Follow?

You may feel sore or tender right after ACell therapy for your hair. Cold compressions can reduce this.

Aftercare measures that help quick recovery after ACell therapy are:

- Massage your scalp gently atleast 3 times three to four days after the procedure.
- After 24 hours of the procedure, you can resume your routine and regular activities. However, avoid strenuous exercise for a day or two more.
-Avoid washing your hair for a day or two after ACell therapy. Ask your dermatologist for suitable hair care products that you can use.
-Do nor hair styling products for atleast 3 to 5 days after the procedure.

man doing acell for hair loss

Consult our doctor

If you are struggling with hair loss or looking for non-surgical therapy for hair regeneration, ACell therapy with PRP may be the right option. However, it is best to consult with our experienced dermatologist to understand which treatment works best for you.


Frequently asked questions

ACell therapy with PRP is an innovative and latest scientific procedure for treating temporary and hereditary hair loss in men and women.

ACell therapy is a completely safe procedure and does not cause any serious side effects. However, you may experience temporary mild swelling, redness or tenderness in the treated areas. These effects resolve by themselves in a few hours.

It may take a few months (approx 4 to 6 months) for visible hair growth after an ACell therapy. Your hair will continue growing and thickening for 12 to 15 months. However, the results are temporary and will last only a few hours. You must repeat the procedure atleast once a year to maintain hair growth.


ACell hair treatment is safe and has been used for hair regrowth for the past two decades. The risk of allergies is low since the ACell+PRP therapy uses your own blood cells.

You may not be a candidate for ACell hair therapy if you have conditions like low blood count, low platelet count, chronic liver conditions, heart disease, severe anaemia, cancer or active systemic infection.

ACell therapy can be combined with other hair growth therapies for quicker, long-lasting results. Your dermatologist will determine which treatment combinations are most suitable for you.

ACell therapy is not the same as PRP, but they are often used together. PRP uses platelet-rich plasma from your blood, while ACell uses stem cells' regenerative properties.


The results of the ACell+PRP therapy usually last for 1 to 2 years. You may need a few maintenance injections throughout the year to prolong the effects of ACell+PRP treatment.


The results of ACell+PRP therapy are not immediate and occur as per the natural lifecycle of hair growth. Most commonly, the results or effects of an ACell+PRP therapy become evident 4 to 8 months after the treatment. You may experience mild swelling or tenderness in the treated area that resolves on its own in a few hours.


ACell therapy, along with PRP, helps regenerate lost hair. When hair loss is treated early, these therapies can prevent further hair loss and reduce the need for aggressive hair growth procedures later in life.

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