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Gum Depigmentation

The best smiles are created when they have the perfect balance of pink and white. While teeth are the first thing one usually looks at, they are incomplete without healthy, coral-pink gums. But what if the pink gums are pigmented? Gum pigmentation is common in many ethnic groups, such as people of African or Middle Eastern ancestry.

Don’t let gum pigmentation dull your smile. Hortman Clinics offers a wide range of cosmetic dental procedures, including gum depigmentation.


What is Gum Depigmentation?

Gum depigmentation or gum bleaching brightens gums, giving you an aesthetically pleasing smile. It can be done using a laser, scalpel, or grafting. Some dentists also use cryosurgery to treat gum pigmentation. Each of these options has different recovery times, but the procedure is considered minimally invasive. Most people opt for gum depigmentation for aesthetic reasons.

Gum Treatment
Periodontal treatment

What Causes Gum Pigmentation?

Gum pigmentation is the excess build-up of melanin pigment in the gums. It is not a disease. Before treating gum pigmentation, the dental professional will determine what caused it.

Common causes of gum pigmentation are:

gum bleaching treatment
Gum Depigmentation Procedure

Who is a Candidate for Gum Depigmentation?

Anyone with healthy gums can undergo gum depigmentation. During your initial consultation with our gum specialist, they will evaluate your gums and teeth to determine if this treatment is for you.

A gum depigmentation procedure is not advisable for:

What Happens During a Gum Depigmentation Procedure?

During a gum depigmentation procedure, the gum specialist will administer local anaesthesia in the treatment area to ensure your comfort.


Consult our doctor

Beginning to get conscious of pigmentation on your gums? Don’t let it steal your sparkle. Allow your smile to regain the spotlight with a gum depigmentation procedure performed by our experienced gum specialists at Hortman Clinics. Schedule an appointment today.


Frequently asked questions

When performed by a trained dental professional, the results of gum depigmentation can last for 20 years or longer.

Each session of the gum depigmentation procedure takes 25 to 45 minutes, depending on the size and colour of the pigmented area.

Smoking is one of the common causes of gum pigmentation. We advise smokers to quit smoking atleast seven days before the gum depigmentation procedure and after it.

After a gum depigmentation procedure:

  • You can eat normally, but follow your doctor’s advice for a speedy recovery
  • Avoid acidic and salty foods
  • Feel free to enjoy a little ice cream or yoghurt

We recommend gum depigmentation if you have dark gums and wish to lighten them to make your smile more aesthetic.

Gum pigmentation is not a medical condition. It is performed to enhance the aesthetics of a smile, making it more pleasing.

After a gum depigmentation procedure, you will feel your gums are lighter, more consistent in colour, and more in sync with your pearly white teeth.

Several factors can cause gum pigmentation, including genetics, smoking, ethnicity and some medications.

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Everything we do is tailored to your needs, this is why we take our time to take care of you and answer all your questions.

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