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Laser Scar Removal

If you have one or more scars that are stealing your confidence, we at Hortman Clinics have the perfect solution for you!

Laser scar removal or laser scar revision is an effective treatment to reduce the appearance of scars. This is a non-invasive method of improving the appearance of scar tissue even several years after its formation.

You may need several laser treatment sessions to reduce or minimise the appearance of scars and achieve your desired results. Since this procedure is noninvasive, it has virtually no downtime.


What causes scars?

To understand how laser scar removal works, it is essential to know how scars develop. Scars form as a result of injury or trauma to the skin and are often unaesthetic to look at. Bigger, deeper scars are often a result of more serious injury or skin trauma.

When an injury occurs, the body's primary goal is to repair the damage quickly. To do this, it produces collagen in the shortest time possible. This results in uneven patterns, rough skin, and pigmentation (which results from the inflammation at the site of injury).

Besides their unaesthetic appearance, scars can also impact your life in the following ways:

removing scar using laser

How Does Laser Scar Removal Work?

Two laser treatments are available for scar removal– CO2 laser and fractional laser therapy.

This laser treatment uses short pulses of light or continuous laser beam to remove thin layers of the skin with little or no damage to the surrounding areas. Since small regions of the scar tissue are targeted each time, you will need multiple visits for scar removal using CO2  laser therapy. You may need upto two weeks of recovery time.

This laser therapy uses narrow columns of light to tighten the collagen in the scar tissue. While minimal damage occurs to the surrounding skin, this laser may cause additional scarring as the laser beam goes deeper. The usual recovery time post fractional laser therapy is around one week.

Laser Scar Removal Procedure
Laser Scar Removal Procedure

How to Prepare for the Laser Scar Removal Procedure?

Before a laser scar removal, our board-certified dermatologist will go through your medical history and perform a thorough physical examination. Discuss your expectations, concerns, and desired goals with your dermatologist. Here are a few things to avoid before a laser scar removal:

What Happens During the Procedure?

Here’s how a typical laser scar removal works!

You will notice some redness in the treated area for a few hours after the procedure. However, this is temporary and will resolve by itself. We recommend the application of a moisturising lotion to the area atleast twice daily.

laser scar treatment

What Should You Expect After Laser Scar Removal Treatment?

After laser scar removal, the dermatologist will apply a bandage on the target site, which needs to stay there for atleast 24 hours. Here are a few things you can do to encourage healthy healing:

Depending on the size of the scar and the type of laser used, complete site healing can take up to 20 days. For healthy healing, follow your doctor's list of medications.


Consult our doctor

If you are considering laser scar removal, consult our expert dermatologists to determine the right type of laser, the number of sessions, and whether you need any additional treatments to remove your scar.


Frequently asked questions

Laser treatments are effective in making scars less noticeable, but they cannot guarantee the complete elimination of the scar. Your results depend upon the skill of the dermatologist or aesthetician performing the procedure.

Laser scar removal is one of the best ways to eliminate scars or make them less visible. However, this procedure may cause a few side effects, such as: 

  • Milia: Small, white bumps that look like tiny whiteheads.
  • Hyperpigmentation: Skin darkening effect after laser treatment.

Aggravating cold sores: Laser treatments may aggravate cold sores around the mouth regions in people with a history.

Laser scar removal is not painful, but you may feel mild, temporary discomfort. You may also feel heat during the treatment. Let your doctor know if you are uncomfortable at any point during the scar removal procedure.

To enable normal healing of skin, here are a few lifestyle changes that you will need to make before a laser scar removal procedure:

  • Quit smoking atleast two weeks before treatment.
  • Stop taking medications like aspirin and nutritional supplements that may interfere with your body’s natural healing process. Consult your doctor before stopping any medication.
  • Avoid skin care products containing retinol or glycolic acid atleast 2 to 4 weeks before the procedure.
  • Get your cold sores treated if you are prone to them.
  • Avoid getting out in the sun, tanning beds or sun lamps. Having a tan or sunburn is a contraindication for laser scar removal.

The number of laser therapy sessions you will require depends upon the size and depth of your scar. More than one session is required. The dermatologist will let you know how many sessions of laser treatment you require to get rid of your scar.

It may take several weeks to a few months before you can appreciate the results of a laser scar removal.

Scar removal is safe and is routinely performed by our expert dermatologist at Hortman Clinics, Dubai. Laser scar removal is an outpatient procedure that must be performed only by a board-certified dermatologist. 

There is no downtime after laser scar removal. The target site will heal completely in 4 to 10 days.

Laser scar removal is not performed if you have:

  • Active acne
  • Cold sores
  • Dark skin due to tanning, sun exposure

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