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Fat Grafting / Fat Transfer

Fat grafting is a cosmetic surgical procedure that uses body fat to restore the volume and contours of other body parts, including the face. The procedure, also called fat transfer, involves the removal of excess fat from one part of the body, and injecting it into other parts that show signs of ageing. Since the procedure uses the body’s own fat cells, it is safer than using implants and synthetic filers.


What are the Benefits of Fat Grafting?

There are several reasons why fat grafting is popular. Some of the benefits of this procedure include:

Since the fat cells are taken from the body, they integrate well into the area they are grafted into. They can establish a blood supply and behave like normal fat cells, thereby assuring long-lasting results and an aesthetic appearance.

Face and body fat grafting is performed using local anaesthesia, minimising downtime. The procedure involves minor incisions, which assure quicker recovery than major surgical treatments.

Fat grafting reverses signs of ageing, such as sunken cheeks, hollow and deeply set eyes, pigmentation around the eyes and deep wrinkles. The procedure restores volume in these problem areas and improves skin texture and tone.

Body fat grafting enhances various body areas, like the buttocks, breasts, hands, and calves. By adding volume and improving shape and symmetry, fat grafting naturally enhances body contours without needing implants.

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What Happens Before Fat Grafting?

If you wish to enhance your body or facial contours naturally, you should consider a fat grafting procedure. Here’s what happens before a fat grafting treatment:

This is the first step to getting a fat graft. During your consultation with our experienced plastic surgeon, they will discuss your concerns regarding your face and body contour, aesthetic goals, and medical history.

If the surgeon confirms your suitability for a fat grafting procedure, they will recommend a few medical tests and take a complete medical history, including the medications and supplements you may be taking.

They will also give instructions about what to do and not do before the surgery.

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Who Can Undergo Fat Grafting?

To be able to undergo fat grafting, you should fulfill the following criteria:

What Happens During the Fat Grafting Procedure?

A fat grafting procedure is performed under local or general anaesthesia. The choice of anaesthesia depends upon the extent of the procedure.

During the first stage of the fat grafting procedure, excess fat from the donor site is harvested using liposuction. Common donor sites include thighs, abdomen, buttocks and hips.

Once the fat is collected from the donor site, it undergoes processing to remove excess oil, fluids and impurities. Only purified fat cells are grafted.

The purified fat is now injected into desired areas like the breast, buttocks, face, and hands.

Once the procedure is completed, the surgeon may place a compressing garment on the grafted areas to minimise the chance of swelling and speed up recovery.

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What are the Common Areas for Fat Transfer/Grafting?

Common donor and harvesting areas used during a fat grafting procedure include:


What Should You Expect After a Fat Grafting Procedure?

After a fat grafting procedure, the plastic surgeon will give detailed post-operative instructions, including how long you should rest and recover and when you can resume your regular activities.

Recovery time varies for every individual and depends upon several factors, including age, overall health, amount of fat transferred and number of liposuction sites.

The grafted area will begin to look fuller right after the surgery, but it may take several months before the final results of the fa grafting procedure become more evident.

Collagen Benefits for Skin

Consult our doctor

Concerned about the abnormal fatty contours and shape of your body? You are not alone! Say good bye to fat and ageing and ‘hello’ to a youthful you. If you are healthy and wish to enhance the contours of your body and face, fat grafting maybe for you. Book a consultation with our plastic surgeon to know more.


Frequently asked questions

The results after a fat grafting procedure are permanent. However, since many grafted cells do not survive the transplant, you may not achieve the desired volume. It may take at least six months for the new fat cells to establish blood supply and for the results to become evident.

You will notice an increase in volume at the grafted site. However, enhanced contours and a youthful appearance will appear a few months later.

After a fat grafting procedure, the plastic surgeon will give you a list of post-operative measures, which include:

  • Wearing a compression garment to reduce swelling 
  • Pain medications will be prescribed to reduce pain and any discomfort that you may be facing
  • Antibiotics may be given to prevent any infections.

The recovery time after a fat grafting procedure depends upon the location and extent of the donor and harvesting site. It may take a few days to a few weeks to recover from the side effects of fat grafting, such as swelling.

The abdomen, hips, inner thighs and buttocks are the best donor sites for a fat grafting treatment.

Fat grafting is performed under anaesthesia. So you will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. After the procedure, your surgeon will prescribe pain-relieving medications to help you recover quickly.

There are some risks of a fat grafting procedure, and these include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fluid build-up under the skin
  • Scarring
  • Fat cells not surviving
  • Unaesthetic or undesirable results

Most people return to work after a week of the procedure, while others need over two weeks before they resume their regular routine. Discuss with your doctor what you can expect after a fat grafting procedure.

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