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Liposuction Treatment

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure during which excessive fat that you cannot get rid of by lifestyle changes like dietary control and exercise are removed to improve body shape and contour.

A liposuction procedure may be performed alone or with other cosmetic treatments like breast reduction and tummy tuck.


What is Liposuction Treatment?

This procedure, also called lipoplasty or body contouring, is usually performed on areas that accumulate excessive fat, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, neck and arms.

If you are severely overweight or obese and struggle to lose weight, a plastic surgeon will determine if you require a localized weight loss treatment like liposuction or other bariatric procedures

Hortman Clinic Dubai
liposuction Dubai

Who Needs Liposuction?

When it comes to fat, our body stores it in two different layers– subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat is present between your skin and muscles and is stubborn fat that is difficult to lose. Visceral fat lies between the muscle layer and the organs and cannot be removed.

Your plastic surgeon assesses your subcutaneous fat's integrity and skin elasticity to determine if you are a good candidate for liposuction. The plastic surgeon also assesses whether your skin will sag or get wrinkly after the fat is removed before suggesting liposuction as a treatment for you.

People who fill one or more of the following conditions require liposuction and are good candidates for the procedure:


How Does the Procedure Work?

When you visit a plastic surgeon for a consultation for liposuction, you must inform them about any medical conditions you have, medications or supplements you are currently taking, and history of cosmetic treatment undergone in the past. Your doctor will understand your goals and expectations from cosmetic treatment and perform a thorough clinical evaluation to determine if liposuction is good for you.

After preoperative formalities on the day of the procedure, you will be taken to the operation theatre. Depending upon the extent of the area that needs to undergo liposuction, your doctor will give you local or general anaesthesia.

The surgeon uses a cannula connected to a negative suction machine via a hollow tube to remove the fat. Once the required amount of fat has been removed, the incisions are closed and covered with gauze.

You may require pressure garments in your post-operative treatment. Post-treatment instructions will be provided.

Hortman Clinic Dubai
liposuction Dubai

How Can You Prepare for Your Appointment?

Before you come for your liposuction appointment, your doctor will provide you with a few preparatory instructions to help you achieve the desired results. Here are some instructions to follow while preparing for your liposuction treatment:

Expectations/ Results after a Liposuction Treatment

The results of liposuction vary for everyone and will usually depend upon several factors such as:


Consult our doctor

If losing excess body fat is challenging and you are wondering if liposuction is for you, visit the most experienced plastic surgeons in Dubai at Hortman Clinics.

After a clinical evaluation, our surgeons will provide you with a comprehensive plan to reduce weight, lose excess fat and give you the body shape and contour you can be happy about.

During your consultation appointment with the surgeon, feel free to ask any queries or concerns you have about the treatment.


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